Pistachio Puppy Chow

For a church bake sale that took everyone by surprise, this Pistachio Puppy Chow was an absolute hit, bringing a unique and delightful twist to a beloved snack. Featuring the nutty flavor of pistachio paired with the sweetness of white chocolate or cream cheese chips, this treat is as irresistible as it is original.

Ingredients for a Crowd-Pleasing Snack

  • Rice Chex (1 box, 12 oz): The crunchy base of this sweet treat.
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk (1 can, 14 oz): Adds creamy sweetness and helps bind the ingredients.
  • Butter (½ cup), melted: Provides richness and helps the coating adhere to the cereal.
  • White Chocolate or Cream Cheese Chips (1 cup): Introduces a smooth, creamy texture and sweet flavor.
  • Instant Pistachio Pudding Mix (1 package, 3.4 oz): Offers a unique pistachio flavor that sets this puppy chow apart.
  • Vanilla Extract (½ teaspoon): Enhances the overall sweetness with a hint of vanilla.
  • Salt (½ teaspoon): Balances the sweetness and brings out the flavors.
  • Powdered Sugar (2 cups): Coats the cereal for a sweet, irresistible finish.

How to Whip Up This Pistachio Delight

  1. Prep the Base: Start by pouring the Rice Chex into a very large bowl or a doubled-up clean brown paper bag to make mixing easier and mess-free.
  2. Create the Coating: In a large microwave-safe bowl, combine the sweetened condensed milk, melted butter, and your choice of chips. Microwave in 30-second bursts, stirring in between, until the chips have completely melted and the mixture is smooth.
  3. Add Flavor: Stir in the instant pistachio pudding mix until the mixture is uniformly green and aromatic. Then, mix in the vanilla extract and salt to round out the flavors.
  4. Coat the Cereal: Drizzle the pistachio mixture over the Rice Chex, gently tossing to ensure each piece is evenly coated. For less mess, this step works great in the paper bag.
  5. Sweeten the Deal: Sprinkle the powdered sugar over the coated cereal, tossing once more to cover every piece in a sweet, powdery layer. The powdered sugar not only adds sweetness but also helps prevent the pieces from sticking together.
  6. Cool and Store: Let the Pistachio Puppy Chow cool to room temperature, then transfer it to an airtight container to maintain its crunch. This snack is best enjoyed within the first day or two for optimal freshness and flavor.

This Pistachio Puppy Chow is more than just a treat; it’s a delightful surprise that combines familiar textures with unexpected flavors. Perfect for bake sales, parties, or as a special snack to enjoy at home, this recipe is sure to become a new favorite for anyone who tries it. Enjoy crafting this sweet, nutty, and utterly satisfying snack!

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