Lava Red Velvet Cupcakes (Printer-Friendly Version)

# What You'll Need:

→ Cupcakes

01 - One 15-oz box of red velvet cake mix
02 - Whatever the cake mix says you’ll need (like eggs, oil, and water)

→ Ganache Filling

03 - 8 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate, preferably baking chocolate
04 - Half a cup of heavy cream

→ Topping

05 - Powdered sugar to sprinkle on top

# Let's Cook:

01 - Pour the warmed-up cream over the chopped chocolate. Mix until you’ve got a smooth texture, then let it chill in the fridge for at least two hours until it firms up.
02 - Set your oven to 350°F and get some muffin tins ready with liners.
03 - Mix up the cake batter by following the instructions on the box. Fill the liners halfway with the batter.
04 - Roll firm ganache into tablespoon-sized balls. Pop one into the center of each cupcake.
05 - Bake the cupcakes for 20 to 23 minutes. You’ll know it’s done when a toothpick comes out clean from the edge. Let them cool down a bit while still in the pans.
06 - Remove the wrappers, flip the cupcakes upside-down, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and enjoy them while warm.

# Cook's Notes:

01 - You can heat these up again in the microwave for a few seconds
02 - Don’t put too much batter in the liners, or they’ll overflow